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Adoption isn’t an easy choice, but it’s a loving option that provides the peace of mind you may be searching for.

With this option, you place your child in a loving adoptive family. You are in control, which means you can select the adoptive family and adoption plan that best fits your lifestyle, needs, and preferences.

Birthright of Greater Norwalk will help you learn about adoption so you can make a confident pregnancy decision.

Making an Adoption Plan

When you make an adoption plan, you set the terms for the relationship and contact level you’ll have with the adoptive family.

There are several plans available, and you alone can select the one that suits your adoption goals.

Open Adoption

With an open adoption, you’ll form a relationship with your child and their adoptive family through phone calls, visits, and more. Your child will know the role you play in their story and future.

Semi-Open Adoption

Semi-open adoptions aren’t as common, but they involve contacting the adoptive family and child through an adoption agency.

Closed Adoption

A closed adoption offers the highest level of confidentiality. You and the adoptive family will remain anonymous. All identifying records are sealed.

Here to Support You

If you select adoption, know that you’ll be supported throughout the process. As the birthmother, you won’t pay for any medical or adoption costs. You may also receive material aid, long-term emotional support, and other resources to help you during this journey.

Your needs are the priority. Placing your child for adoption is a brave and selfless choice, and your role will be respected and valued.

Learn More Today

Birthright of Greater Norwalk can provide adoption information, answer your questions, and refer you to state licensed adoption agencies.

We provide a non-judgmental environment for you to learn about your pregnancy options. No one will pressure you to make a specific decision.

Make a free and confidential appointment today. We are here for you.